Are drones allowed in residential areas? • Drone class - Drone

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In principle, drones are not allowed to fly over houses and buildings; this is stipulated in German drone legislation. However, there are some exceptions that still allow this. In this article we explain when flying drones over residential areas is permitted and what rules apply.

German legislation for drones in residential areas

According to German law, drones are not allowed to fly over residential buildings under national law unless the owner of the house has given consent.

Some exceptions apply to this legislation. Private drone pilots are allowed to fly over buildings without permission if the drones weigh less than 250 grams and do not have a camera.

Exception for professional use

Professional drone pilots are allowed to fly over residential areas if:

  • The flight is necessary and cannot take place over public areas.
  • There is a legitimate interest.
  • Obtaining a permit is unreasonable.

There are certain requirements for professional drone flights over buildings. Drone flight requirements:

  • The drone flight takes place at an altitude of between 100 and 120 meters.
  • The flight takes place between 06:00 and 22:00.
  • Privacy is maintained.
  • There is no noise pollution.
  • The residents are informed (as much as possible).

European legislation for drones in residential areas in 2024

According to European legislation, drone flights are possible over and near buildings in subcategories A1 and A2. You are allowed to fly in these subcategories if your drone has a C0, C1 or C2 label. The drone pilot must also have the appropriate certification.

The European requirements for the drone and the pilot are as follows:

  • The drone has a C0 label.
  • The drone has a C1 label and the pilot has an A1/A3 certificate.
  • The drone has a C2 label and the pilot has an A1/A3 + A2 certificate.

Drones without a Cx label or with a higher Cx label fall into subcategory A3. In subcategory A3, a minimum distance of 150 meters from buildings must be maintained. Drone flights over and near buildings are not possible in subcategory A3.

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